15 people in constant action

Yesterday, I was lucky to spend the evening in a nice restaurant. When given the choice to sit in the beautiful garden, or at the counter of the open kitchen, I chose the open kitchen.

It made the dining experience richer. Tasting great food, and watching great professional during the breaks.

Here are the things I observed:

- 15 people are in constant action for 2 hours, in restrained space.

- Half of the team is specialized on a task (sauce, fish, meat, oven, etc.), half is flexible and takes on whatever needs to be done. There’s also a coordinator in the middle, who receives the orders taken by the waiters, and shouts instructions. He never moves.

- There is also the chef. He is mostly walking around, calmly. He has no responsibility. He helps with any task that is behind or that seems difficult for the person who took it on. Sometimes, he gives a quick word of advice and moves on.

- Every single time a person passes behind the back of another one, she says: « I’m behind you ».

- Most communication happens with voice and ear. People rarely look at each other, they look at what they are working on. The only person constantly watching is the coordinator. He is observing everything. He is the only person having a watch at his wrist.

- When the coordinator asks a question, the answer that he gets is precise: « How much time for the 2 calamars? » / « 2 calamars ready in 15 seconds ».

- People move fast, and are calm. There is tension in the air, but no signs of panic.

- When placing ingredients on a plate, people do it quickly. There is no improvisation, nor a desire of perfection. Circle of purée, piece of meat on top, sauce on the left side, done. Similar dishes all look similar, not identical. The quality seems to come from the quality of the ingredients, the quality of their preparation, and the choice of assembling which ones together.

- They use a tea infuser spoon to evenly spread spices as the final touch.

- Everything is clean, all the time. A drop of sauce on the table is cleaned immediately.

- Halfway through the service, one person passes around with a huge tray full of glass of waters. Everyone drinks a couple and goes back to work.

The world is working against you

If you don’t prioritize your life

A framework to look at your life

Public speaking feedback

The basics of OKR

Comment tenir une résolution


Psychological mecanisms

Quand l’inspiration survient


Le calendrier de l’habitude

Une fois entamée

La rigidité du rituel

Réagir plutôt qu’initier

Artiste parce que la vie c’est compliqué (en gros)

Garder une trace

Les choses auxquelles on a dit oui

10 choses apprises en 10 ans d’obsession

Au sujet de mes insomnies

Avoir du temps

Un monde qu’on ignorait

Des freins invisibles

5 étapes

Une utilisation trop systématique

Quand on manque de temps

Le chemin de la simplicité

Redéfinir les tâches récalcitrantes

Garder les choses simples

Aussi légère que possible

Sortir les souvenirs de son cerveau

Courir après le temps

Le problème central

Très peu de méthodes

Être patient

Ne pas chercher l’outil parfait

Personnaliser ses listes de tâches

Y consacrer du temps

Un chemin de croix

Sous le signe d’un mot

Y associer des gestes

Certains signes

Invisible le reste du temps

Ses engagements

Etre capable de se concentrer

Il n’écrit que lorsqu’il est épuisé